إجابة معتمدة

he was in the elevator for 9 hours(b) he-was-in…، تحدثت العديد من وسائل الإعلام عن قصة رجل كاد أن يموت في مصعد لمدة تسع ساعات. وبحسب التقارير، فإن الرجل كان يستخدم المصعد في إحدى الفنادق، وبسبب خلل فني تعطل المصعد وتم الإمساك به داخله لمدة تسع ساعات. وقد أثارت القصة العديد من التساؤلات حول سلامة وجودة المصاعد في الأماكن العامة، ودعت إلى ضرورة اتخاذ إجراءات أكثر صرامة للحفاظ على سلامة الأشخاص. ولذلك، يجب على المؤسسات والشركات المعنية بتركيب المصاعد أن تضع السلامة في الاعتبار وتتحمل مسؤوليتها تجاه العملاء والمستخدمين.

he was in the elevator for 9 hours(b) he-was-in…

He was in the elevator for 9 hours and it was the most terrifying experience of his life. At first, he didn’t think much of it when he entered the elevator and pressed the button to go to the top floor. However, as he started ascending, the elevator suddenly stopped and the lights went out. Panic set in as he realized he was stuck.

He tried pressing all the buttons, but nothing worked. He shouted for help, but no one seemed to hear him. As time passed, he began to feel claustrophobic and struggled to control his breathing. He tried to keep himself occupied by counting the seconds but soon lost track of time.

It wasn’t until nine long hours later that the elevator suddenly jolted to life and continued its ascent. When he finally stepped out of the elevator, he was weak and trembling, but relieved to be alive. From that day on, he never took elevators for granted again.

  • الإجابة الصحيحة:
    • he was in the elevator for 9 hours(b) he-was-in… ()